Submit Your Stuff

How to submit a file?

              To make it easier for you we have provided this tutorial which goes through some really easy basic steps to allow anyone to submit files to the church website. Files can be easily submitted to us through a website called dropload ( This website allows you to send a file to the church email ( without using your email. All you need to do is follow the steps below.

Step 1
Open the website

Step 2
Type in the details which are,
Email Address:
Password: pictures
Then click "login"

Step 3
"Send A File" should appear on the screen.
Fill in the form as follows:
File: <Browse and select the file that you would like to send>

: It is recomended that you zip your files if you have a lot. If you don't know how to zip a file, then just send 1 file at a time. However, when zipping your files the recomended size it should be is: 2Mb to 4Mb for Dial-up (56K) users and 7Mb to 10Mb for Broadband (Cable or ADSL). The reason for this is so that if your uploading stops for some reason, you don't have to start all over again. You can send as many zip files or any files as you can by repeating Step 3 and 4 again until you have finished submiting all your files.

Note: <In this section you should type in your full name and the title or category your group of files are under>
After filling this form in, click on "drop it"

Step 4
A window should pop-up similar to the image below.

This gives you feed back of how much time is left before you file is uploaded. DO NOT CLOSE THIS WINDOW OR UPLOAD WILL FAIL. If upload fails you should repeat Step 3 and 4 again. When upload is complete the following message will be displayed.

Step 5
Once you have finished uploading, click "log out". Thank you for your help in developing the church website. God Bless you.

If you have any questions or need help please send an email to